Home / Other Services / Mihoyo Genshin Impact PC Recharge

Mihoyo Genshin Impact PC Recharge

  • Detail
    1. Login your Genshin Impact account on PC, Create the order you want to Pay.
    2. A payment qrcode will be generated by Wechat or Alipay
    3. Send the Qrcode to our Email

    Notes: Your order RMB amount decides the Order amount you order. For example, If you need to order 328yuan, Then you select the ¥328 Opition and Finish order first.


    How to Send order Qrcode ?

    you Create the Order qrcode like this way, And we will pay for you instantly from. 8:00-24:00 of China hours (our business hour)

    About Genshin Impact

    Genshin Impact is an upcoming free-to-play, open-world action role-playing video game developed by miHoYo. It is the second game from miHoYo to feature original IP, the first being Gun GirlZ.

    Initial release date: 28 September 2020
    Publisher: miHoYo
    Engine: Unity
    Genre: Action role-playing game
    Platforms: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows
    Developers: miHoYo, Shanghai Miha Touring Film Technology Co., Ltd.

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